While GOP Calls is dedicated to Republican candidates and conservative causes, we are not affiliated with the RNC or the GOP. | [email protected] | 800.347.2280
Where does the public stand on the upcoming election? Which issues are the most important? And how do citizens feel about pending legislation?
Automated political polling, surveys, and voter ID calls can be used to help your campaign identity supporters and gather election data. Automated political polling can be used to help state governments determine the publics attitude toward pending legislation. A few months ago a Midwestern state governor, whose name is to be kept private, was considering initiating some legislation. Before introducing this legislation, he felt it necessary to ascertain the public’s opinion. Using the GOP Calls dialing platformn, the governor was able to poll the state’s citizens and conducted the poll within one day with real-time streaming results for the governor to view. As it turned out, the majority of citizens who took the poll were opposed to the legislation. With this information, the governor discontinued his efforts to introduce any bill.
Identifying where the public stands on critical issues and upcoming elections plays a key role in staying ahead of your opponents and keeping the public informed of current political issues. Use automated polling from GOP Calls to better understand the perspectives of your potential voters and strengthen the relationship between you and your constituents.